Like in the first assignment, I will work on the data ‘ushealth’. To proceed at some Hottelling’s tests, I will divide this data using the ‘reg’ variable, which has four levels : ‘Northwest’, ‘Midwest’, ‘South’ and ‘West’.
apply(ushealth[,1:11], 2, mean) ### mean vector estimate
## land area popu 1985 acc card canc pul pneu diab
## 58415.020 4742.460 44.312 398.530 178.410 26.486 21.038 14.836
## liv doc shop
## 10.548 8711.860 137.420
head(cov(ushealth[,1:11])) ### variance-covariance estimate
## land area popu 1985 acc card canc
## land area 2286225819.78 85977648.684 144976.683429 -869734.7700 -493538.45735
## popu 1985 85977648.68 25865985.600 -17616.450531 88508.9471 41075.27898
## acc 144976.68 -17616.451 120.627608 -468.1912 -209.85196
## card -869734.77 88508.947 -468.191184 7096.9972 2528.40990
## canc -493538.46 41075.279 -209.851959 2528.4099 1092.39235
## pul 27652.15 -3124.528 -6.115951 208.0849 81.09137
## pul pneu diab liv doc
## land area 27652.145184 16839.235959 -61133.14155 -5545.003020 134669762.554
## popu 1985 -3124.528122 78.453592 121.48310 6715.081551 54720207.637
## acc -6.115951 -8.893118 -20.83758 -4.682220 -43654.415
## card 208.084918 187.737612 191.35869 31.446082 197676.284
## canc 81.091367 48.961245 85.95657 32.921551 97287.128
## pul 31.386127 9.288910 4.66378 4.050482 -6378.194
## shop
## land area 2984510.33837
## popu 1985 566003.35388
## acc -291.83576
## card 2196.99939
## canc 762.14265
## pul -64.23278
num_data = ushealth[,1:12] = split(num_data[,-12],num_data$reg)
NorthWest <-[[1]]
MidWest <-[[2]]
South <-[[3]]
West <-[[4]]
First of all, we want to compare if the mean vectors of each region can be equal or not. For this assignment, we are going to work only on the comparison between the NorthWest and the MidWest regions. However, the procedures remain exactly the same for the others regions.
Let’s plot some boxplots to compare the means :
boxplot(NorthWest$`popu 1985`)
title(main = 'Boxplot for the population variable', xlab = 'Northwest', ylab='Population')
boxplot(MidWest$`popu 1985`)
title(main = 'Boxplot for the population variable', xlab = 'Midwest', ylab='Population')
title(main = 'Boxplot for the diabetis variable', xlab = 'Northwest', ylab='Population')
title(main = 'Boxplot for the diabetis variable', xlab = 'Midwest', ylab='Population')
Now, we can use the Hotelling’s T2 test to see if the mean vectors are the same or not. In this exercise, we use two different ways to perform this test. However, we obtain the same p-value (0.0009986) which allows us to say that they have different mean vectors.
## Hotelling's two sample T2-test
## data: NorthWest and MidWest
## T.2 = 9.7218, df1 = 11, df2 = 9, p-value = 0.0009986
## alternative hypothesis: true location difference is not equal to c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
hotellingTest_xy <- hotelling.test(NorthWest,MidWest, data = num_data)
## Test stat: 225.76
## Numerator df: 11
## Denominator df: 9
## P-value: 0.0009986
Finally, we can calculate some confidence intervals and display them :
xy = rbind(NorthWest,MidWest)
Fquant <- (11/(21 - 11)) * qf(1 - 0.05, 11, 10)
meanVec <- apply(xy[,1:11], 2, mean)
LB <- diag(11) %*% meanVec - sqrt(Fquant * diag(diag(11) %*% cov(xy[,1:11]) %*% diag(11)))
UB <- diag(11) %*% meanVec + sqrt(Fquant * diag(diag(11) %*% cov(xy[,1:11]) %*% diag(11)))
confInt <- data.frame(LB, UB, meanVec, row.names = names(xy)[1:11])
names(confInt) <- c("Lower Boundary", "Upper Boundary", "Mean Estimate")
## Lower Boundary Upper Boundary Mean Estimate
## land area -6151.634055 95222.11025 44535.23810
## popu 1985 -3245.944347 13632.13482 5193.09524
## acc 26.612290 47.84485 37.22857
## card 393.213092 513.09167 453.15238
## canc 167.026183 228.12620 197.57619
## pul 19.452060 34.58603 27.01905
## pneu 15.794270 30.86287 23.32857
## diab 11.389270 21.62025 16.50476
## liv 5.621947 16.21615 10.91905
## doc -10282.881075 31107.92869 10412.52381
## shop -22.198321 314.76975 146.28571